cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Warm-up For The Regionals

Event Dates

Jun 17 2016


No Registration Limit
53 Complete
53 Total

Hosting Club

KY Cowtown Rangers
13 Upcoming Events
Mid West Region


Henderson Arena


April 1-June 15, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SM6 98 4902 Cary Barrow
2 M4 96 11843 Devin Clevenger
3 M3 94 12004 Mark Traylor
4 L4 92 3319 Beth Brown
5 M3 90 12197 Jeffrey Watt
6 SM4 88 7324 Bud Warrington
7 L4 86 10631 Candice Conniff
8 L6 84 5510 Jolyn Case
9 SM6 82 2213 John St. Clair
10 L4 80 14451 Holly Payne
11 SM2 78 13894 Tim Calvin
12 SM6 76 6998 Dennis Clevenger
13 M5 74 5354 Jeff Haynes
14 SM5 72 9617 Mark Tice
15 L2 70 11185 Beth McKee
16 L3 68 13058 Lori Montgomery
17 SM4 66 4437 Clayton Case
18 M2 64 12588 Steve Spenlau
19 L3 62 7650 October Kramer
20 M1 60 12196 James Watt
21 M2 58 14870 Bradley Black (Schlicht)
22 SM4 56 2986 Ernie Hensley
23 L2 54 13933 Renee Calvin
24 L3 52 12281 Sarah Hope
25 M4 50 10632 Fred Conniff
26 SM4 48 6138 Jim Bussell
27 SL4 46 4479 Marcy Luttrell
28 L4 44 13346 Nancy Elberty
29 M2 42 10386 Phil Kline
30 M4 40 12511 Braden Morey
31 SL6 38 1717 Joyce McKinney
32 M1 36 12740 David Vrh
33 L4 34 7316 Debbie Norris
34 SM4 32 12887 Ronald Kiko
35 L4 30 9105 Carrie Wilburn
36 M2 28 14116 Allen Clymer
37 L5 26 10796 Janessa Hill
38 SL4 24 7323 Cindy Warrington
39 SL3 22 6139 Lynn Bussell
40 M2 20 3463 Glenn Nichols
41 SM5 18 6571 Philip Webb
42 L2 16 7319 Jenny Bradbury
43 M6 14 4716 Tony Ruper
44 M1 12 13582 Steve Ellis
45 SM5 10 816 Daniel App
46 SL2 8 12888 Diane Kiko
47 L2 6 7031 Chrissy Ramsey
48 M1 4 15055 Jim Caldwell
49 L1 2 14200 Tina Caldwell
1 WRO 2 14099 Ian Boettcher